悲惨世界著名句子 悲惨世界经典句子中英文

2021-09-15 00:30 来源:逗文网 点击:


1、没有被听见不是沉默的理由。Not heard is not the reason for silence.

2、人心是广漠辽阔的天地,人在面对良心,反省自己胸中抱负和日常行动时往往黯然神伤。The heart is a vast expanse of heaven and earth, in the face of conscience, reflect on their chest aspirations and daily operations often fell dejected.

3、世间有那么一种躲避,恰好像是为了追求。There is such a kind of escape, just as if to pursue.

4、懒惰是母亲,她有一个儿子叫盗窃,一个女儿叫饥饿。Laziness is a mother. She has a son called a thief.


5、人生就好比是两间屋子,第一间是暗的,第二间是黑的。Life is like two rooms, the first is dark, the second is black.

6、任何情况下,只有最初参加斗争的战士才有最后歼灭敌人的权利。In any case, only the first to participate in the struggle to end the right to annihilate the enemy.

7、我没见过一只狼肯为另一只狼的幸福而献身!I have not seen a wolf willing to sacrifice for the happiness of another wolf!

8、生活就是面对微笑。Life is a smile.

9、一场战役,总要有一场暴风雨干预。In a battle, there is always a storm.

10、仿佛他们感到自己是天使,而且知道我们是凡人。As if they were angels, and they knew we were mortal.

11、真爱的第一个征兆,在男孩身上是胆怯,在女孩身上是大胆。The first sign of true love is timid in a boy, bold in a girl.

12、一个流着泪忏悔的罪人在天上所得的快乐,比一百个穿白衣的善人还更能获得上天的喜爱。The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, or that you are loved by the one you are, or rather, even though you are.

13、外界的一阵微风,人生的一线微光,一时曾在那冷却了的冰透了的脸上飘拂过去,但是一切又随即消逝了,疯人又成了尸体。A breeze outside, a glimmer of life, once in the cooling of the ice through the face of her past, but everything and then vanished, and the mad corpse.

14、穷困是一个熔炉,每当命运需要一个坏蛋或一个神人,就把一个人投进去。Poverty is a melting pot, when fate needs a bad man or a man of God, he throws a man in.

15、善良既是历史中稀有的珍珠,善良的人便购几棵优于伟大的人。Kindness is a rare pearl in history, and a kind man buys a few better than a great man.

16、儿童接受快乐和幸福最快,也最随便,因为他们天生就是幸福和快乐。Children are happy and happy to be happy and happy, because they are born with happiness and joy.

17、善于思索的人,很少用幸福者和不幸者这种说法,尘世显然是另一世界的门厅,这里没有幸福的人。Those who are good at thinking seldom use the theory of happiness and misfortune. The world is clearly the entrance of another world.

18、苦难超过了一定的程度,人们就会被某种邪恶的冷漠所征服。To a certain extent, suffering will be conquered by some kind of evil indifference.

19、一个人要是靠劳动养活亲人,他就没有权利牺牲,否则,他就是家里的逃兵。If a person by working to feed relatives, he has no right to sacrifice, otherwise, he is at home.

20、经过长期的摸索,科学今日已经知道肥效最高的肥料就是人肥。如果说我们的黄金是粪尿,反之,我们的粪尿就是黄金。After a long exploration, science today already know the highest fertilizer fertilizer is human manure. If our gold is manure, on the contrary, our manure is gold.

21、事情是自然而然地发生,就如同夜幕降临,白日西沉。 Things happen naturally, as night fell, the day down.

22、还是畏惧我们自己吧。偏见就是盗贼,恶习就是凶手!Never be afraid of thieves and murderers, that is all dangerous, dangerous or small, afraid of our own, prejudice, is the thief, bad habits, is a murderer.

23、脚步不能达到的地方,眼光可以到达;眼光不能到达的地方,精神可以飞到。Can not reach the pace of the place, the eye can reach; vision can not reach the place, the spirit can fly.

24、爱和曾爱过,这就够了。不必再作其他希求。Love and love, that's enough. Don't ask for other.

25、笑声如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

26、人不只是一个中心的圆圈,而是两个中心的椭圆,一个是事实,一个是思想。Man is not only a central circle, but two centers of the ellipse, one is the fact that one is thinking.

27、下水道是城市的良心。Sewer is the conscience of the city.

28、把希望寄托在什么也继承不着的人身上吧!The hope lies in what can not inherit the person!

29、不回顾消逝了的昨天的人是没有思想和感情的。A person does not recall the vision has disappeared, there is no thought, no love.

30、那些刚离开上帝的灵魂趁着晨曦来到人间,当它们看见自己是那么幼弱,那么赤身露体时,它们会想到些什么呢?Those who just left the spirit of God came to earth before dawn, when they saw that they are so young, so stay naked, they will think of what?

31、那些隐藏在内心深处的秘密,只有接纳赤裸裸灵魂的坟墓才一清二楚。Those who hide in the deepest secret, only accept the naked soul of the tomb was crystal clear.

32、他活着,尽管命运离奇多磨难;他安息,只因失去天使才合眼。生来死去,是人生自然的规律;昼来夜去,也同样是这种道理。He is alive, although the fate of strange is all wrong because he; rest, lost angel to sleep. Born to die, is the natural law of life; day to night, the same is true.

33、一个人的传闻不论真假,在他的生活中,尤其在他的命运中,往往和他的所作所为居同等地位。A person's rumors, whether true or false, in his life, especially in his destiny, and his actions are often the same status.

34、人一生各种际遇,都有本能的反应。People have all kinds of life experience, instinctive reaction.

35、粗俗和天真这两种天性有一个共同点,都没有过度阶段。There is one thing in common between the two natures of vulgarity and innocence.

36、我宁愿靠自己的力量,打开我的前途,而不愿求有力者垂青。 I would rather rely on their own strength to open my future, rather than those who favored a strong demand.

37、人,有了物质才能生存;人,有了理想才谈得上生活。People, with the material in order to survive; people, have the ideal to talk about life.

38.释放无限光明的是人心,制造无边黑暗的也是人心,光明和黑暗交织着,厮杀着,这就是我们为之眷恋而又万般无奈的人世间。The release is infinitely bright people, create endless darkness is people, light and dark interwoven, fighting, this is for our love and desperation of the world.