意大利但丁的名言名句 但丁英文名言

2021-06-24 09:25 来源:逗文网 点击:


1、Go your own way and let others talk.走自己的路,让别人去说吧。

2、It is my faith that enables me to float in the mire of life without being polluted.能够使我漂浮于人生的泥沼中而不致陷污的,是我的信心。

3、Anger is the most obvious weakness in character.容易发怒,是品格上最为显著的弱点。

4、The importance of language as a tool is important to chivalry.语言作为工具,对于我们之重要,犹骏马对于骑士的重要。


5、Are you crying? It's just raining. But the rain stopped long ago. Devil never cry. I know, but the devil will cry when he loses his loved ones.你在哭吗?只是雨啦。可是雨早就停了。恶魔永不哭泣。我知道,可是恶魔在失去所爱的人的时候,也会哭泣吧。

6、Go your way and let people speak.走你的路,让人们去说吧!

7、People's will is not always omnipotent, because laughter and tears will follow the passion that produces these things, and the most sincere people can't control them.人的意志并不总是万能的,因为笑声和泪水会随着那产生这些东西的**接踵而来,最真诚的人最不能控制它们。

8、Fear, like a cowardly beast, scares people away when they hear the wind.恐惧,它使人们在正大的事情前面望而却步,好比胆怯的野兽,听见风声就吓得逃走一样。

9、Forcing him to do so is need, not pleasure.迫使他这样做的是需要,而不是乐趣。

10、The saddest thing is to recall the joy of the past in pain.最悲伤的事莫过于在痛苦中回忆起往昔的快乐。

11、Morality can make up for the lack of knowledge, and knowledge can not fill the gap of morality.道德可以弥补知识的不足,知识无法填补道德的空白。

12、We climbed together until I saw some beautiful things appearing in the vault through a circular hole. So we went out to see the stars.我们一起攀登,直到我透过一个圆洞,看见一些美丽的东西显现在苍穹。我们于是走出这里,重见满天繁星。

13、There is nothing that can be transferred to another language without losing its sweetness and harmony.没有什么和畅入律之音能转换为别一种语言而不失其甜美与和谐。

14、For the benefit of the world, Rome has always had two suns, illuminating two paths, earthly paths and God's paths.造福世界的罗马,向来有两个太阳,分别照明两条路径,尘世的路径,和上帝的路径。

15、Fame on earth is nothing but a breeze, blowing from here to there, changing its name by changing its direction.尘世上的名声只不过是一阵微风,时而从这边吹来,时而从那边吹来,因改变方向而改变名称。

16、Because it is of great significance, it is worth giving away.因为是意义重大,所以才值得赠送。

17、It is easier to retain the emotion of heaven's beauty than to preserve the beauty itself.保留对天堂美景的情感比保留美景本身更容易。

18、Morality can often fill the gaps of wisdom, but wisdom can never fill the moral defects.道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远填补不了道德的缺陷。

19、Halfway through our journey of life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the straight and magnificent Avenue had disappeared.在我们人生旅途走到一半的时候,我发现自己身处一座阴暗的森林,因为笔直的康庄大道已然消失。

20、Your reputation is just like the color of grass. Those who make grass fade are the ones that make it grow from the ground.你们的名声像草的颜色一样,来的匆匆,去也匆匆。使草褪色者,正是使它从地中长出嫩芽者。

21、Go your own way and let others talk.走自己的路,让别人说去。

22、When a thing is more perfect, its pain and joy are more.当一件事情愈加完美,它的痛苦和喜悦也就更多。

23、The arrow hit the target and left Hyun.箭击中了目标,离了铉。

24、We will be together, neither heaven nor hell, neither cursed nor saved, I am not dead, I am not alive.我们会在一起,既不是天堂也不是地狱,既不是被诅咒也不是被拯救,我没有死,我也没有活着。

25、Those who cherish the time are most afraid of wasting time.爱惜光阴的人最怕浪费光阴。

26、You can come in, but leave your hope behind.可以进来,但要把希望留在门外。

27、Nature is the work of God.大自然是上帝的艺术作品。

28、The more perfect a thing is, the happier it is, and the more painful it is.一件事物越完美,就越感到幸福,这样也就越感到痛苦。

29、The money under the moon has never made the laborious man quiet for a moment.月亮下面的金钱,从没有使劳碌的人类有片刻的安静。

30、On the day of misfortune, it is no longer a great pain to recall happiness.在不幸之日,回忆欢乐之时,是一个不能再大的痛苦。

31、I will not retreat if others are backing up. Others move forward, I move forward.别人后退,我不后退。别人向前,我更向前。

32、Love sublimes the longing of the heart to the best.爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。

33、There, crying itself does not allow them to cry out. When sadness finds that there are obstacles in their eyes, it turns to the heart and increases the pain.在那里,哭本身就不容许他们哭出来,悲哀发现眼睛上有障碍,就转向内心,使痛苦增加。

34、For those who seek freedom, freedom is so precious that those who give their lives will know.寻找自由的人,那自由如此可贵,为此献出生命的人都将知晓。

35、You will throw away everything you love. This is the first arrow launched by the bow of exile.你将抛下你挚爱的一切,这是放逐之弓射出的第一枝利箭。

36、Though tortured here, there is no death.这里虽然煎熬,但却没有死亡!

37、If love, please clean love, give love to love.如果爱,请干净地爱,把爱情献给爱情。

38、Man can not live like a beast, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.人不能像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。

39、Our only sorrow is to live in desire without hope.我们唯一的悲哀,是生活在愿望中而没有希望。

40、Faith is to believe what we have never seen, and the reward of this belief is to see what we believe.信仰是去相信我们所从未看见的,而这种信仰的回报,是看见我们相信的。